How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp?

Have you ever felt blocked because your messages on WhatsApp were never answered? It could be that you are blocked. But what is difficult is to ascertain whether we are really blocked or not.

For WhatsApp users, the ‘Block’ feature has become one of the features used to get rid of annoying contacts or numbers. One of the best things about this block feature is that WhatsApp doesn’t notify anyone about the action.

It’s hard to tell the difference between being ignored and being blocked. WhatsApp is deliberately making it difficult for users to know whether another user has blocked them or not.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp

However, there are several indicators to find out if your WhatsApp is blocked by other users. With these signs, a user can determine whether he is blocked or not.

Here’s how to find out what WhatsApp is blocked by other users, reported by Tekno Here’s the review.

What Is Blocked On WhatsApp?

Being blocked on WhatsApp is when someone disables the “Last Seen” and “Read Receipts” features for your chats.

So you can’t see when they were last online or read your messages. This can happen if your contact doesn’t want you to know that they are online or have read your messages, or if they want to stop communicating with you via WhatsApp.

However, being blocked on WhatsApp will not delete chats or messages that have been sent to that contact.

However, if you are blocked, you will not be able to see whether the contact has read your messages or not.

What Causes Someone to Block a WA Account?

Here are some reasons someone blocks WA:

#1. You’re Sending Annoying Messages

You have sent unwanted or annoying messages to the person who blocked you. This can include spam messages, messages that hurt the feelings of others, or messages that are offensive or inappropriate.

People may be annoyed or uncomfortable with the messages and decide to block you as a way to stop the messages.

It’s also possible if you keep sending messages to the person with no response, or if you send messages that don’t match the person’s needs or wants.

#2. Feeling Uncomfortable

The second cause is that you have done something that makes people uncomfortable. This may include sending inappropriate or inappropriate messages, stalking online, or doing anything that makes people physically or emotionally uncomfortable.

The person blocking you may feel uncomfortable with your behavior and decide to block you as a way to distance themselves and protect themselves.

Online stalking is unwanted or inappropriate behavior done via social media or the internet, such as constantly monitoring someone’s activity, sending unwanted or harassing messages, or taking other inappropriate actions that may make people uncomfortable.

If you stalk online someone who blocked you, that person may feel uncomfortable and decide to block you.

Read Also: Fix WhatsApp Status Not Uploading Error

#3. Don’t Want to Communicate

Anymore Another reason is that the person no longer wants to communicate with you. This can happen if you no longer have the same relationship with that person, or if you no longer wish to communicate with that person for any reason.

The person who blocked you may feel that blocking you is the best way to solve communication problems or to distance themselves from you.

#4. He Feels Like He Doesn’t Know You

The next cause is that you are not recognized by the person who blocked you. And, that person doesn’t want to receive messages from people they don’t know.

This can happen if you recently added the person as your contact and have never communicated with the person before, or if the person doesn’t want to receive messages from people you don’t know.

The person who blocked you may feel that blocking you is the best way to avoid unwanted or annoying messages from people you don’t know.

#5. There is a Personal Problem

The last cause, namely the existence of personal problems. These personal issues can be arguments, disagreements, or other issues that keep the person from wanting to communicate with you.

The person blocking you may feel that blocking you is the best way to avoid conflict or resolve any personal issues that may arise between the two of you.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp?

Several ways to find out if WA is blocked, namely:

#1. Check Last Seen

Check Last Seen

‘Last seen’ or ‘last seen’ is a status when someone uses WhatsApp. If the status is online on WhatsApp, it means that the contact has WhatsApp open and is connected to the Internet.

Last seen on WhatsApp refers to the last time the contact used WhatsApp. Through the app’s privacy settings, users can control who can see their ‘last seen’. WhatsApp users should note that they cannot hide online.

There are several reasons why you may not be able to see other users’ last seen such as they may have set their privacy settings to hide this information or alternatively you may have set their privacy settings not to share their ‘last seen’. Finally the absence of ‘last seen’ indicates that you may be blocked.

To be sure again, you can compare the ‘Last Seen’ appearance of people who are indicated to block you on your own WhatsApp with other people’s WhatsApp.

Ask your friend to open their WhatsApp, and make sure that your friend also has contacts from the person indicated to block you. After that see whether the ‘last seen’ appears or not. If it appears, it is certain that you have been blocked.

#2. Check Blue Tick

Check Blue Tick

WhatsApp blue ticks are a great way to know if your messages have been sent and whether they have been read. This is also a clue to find out if you have been blocked.

One gray tick means the message has been sent, two gray ticks mean the message has been received and two blue ticks mean the message has been read.

If you’ve been blocked, you’ll only see one gray tick. That’s because your message will be sent, but WhatsApp will not send it to the contact.

Possibly, this might mean that the user has lost their phone or is unable to connect to the Internet. But along with the first step, you can confirm it by comparing via your friend’s WhatsApp.

If your friend gets two gray or blue ticks when sending messages to people who are indicated to block you, while you still get one tick, it is certain that you are being blocked.

#3. No Change of Profile Photo

No Change of Profile Photo

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, your profile will not update on your phone. So if they change their profile picture, you’ll still see their old photo.

However, there are some users who rarely change their profiles. So for this kind of use, it is difficult to trace using this method. Like the first and second methods, compare the profile views of your other friends’ WhatsApp.

#4. Try Calling

Try calling

If you have followed the steps above and found these indications, then there is a high probability that you have been blocked. But not 100% sure, try more convincing steps.

Now try to make a call whether it’s a voice or video call. Does it ring? Or even lifted? I’m well! You have not been blocked! However, if you don’t even connect, it seems you are indicated as being blocked.

It’s possible that the user isn’t connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data to receive calls, but it could also be that they’re blocking you.

#5. Enter Groups

Enter Groups

Start by creating a new chat in a group and adding a few friends to it. If your friends can be easily included then this is not a problem.

Now try to add contacts that are indicated to block you. If you can add them to a group, it means you haven’t been blocked.

If you get an error message saying that you don’t have authorization to add it, then it is certain that you have been blocked.

While this may be a technical glitch or error, if you can add other people while at the same time not being able to see if the suspected blocker is online or able to call or message them, then it is almost certain that you have been blocked.

What to Do If Someone Blocks You on WhatsApp?

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you will no longer be able to text or call that person through the WhatsApp application.

You will also no longer be able to see that person’s online status or birthday, and they will no longer be able to see your online status.

If you feel that you have been blocked incorrectly or for no apparent reason, you can try to contact the person through other means, such as sending a text message or calling them on a regular telephone, or contacting the person through other social media.

If there is no other way to contact the person, or if you feel that you have been unfairly blocked, you may want to consider removing the person from your contact list and letting the person go.

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